homeschool enrichment program
faithfully serving homeschool families since 1998
Teacher: Jennifer Biyinzika
Prerequisites: None
Ages: 13 and up
Class size: 5-15
Materials fee: $15 (one-time fee) This covers handouts and supplies for group activities.
Tuition: $40
Supplies Needed: Textbook (Notgrass Exploring America volume 1 and 2, by Ray Notgrass). A new copy of this set costs about $110 - I will be keeping my eyes open this summer for any used copies for sale, and if I find a good deal, I will have them available for you at the price I bought them at.
COURSE DETAILS: History can be a dry as the dust it was built on or as interesting as the people who lived it. One day, we ourselves will also be history. Join me, as we explore the people of America who were all part of a domino effect that got us where we are today. Starting from before America was an idea and leading up to today, we’ll look at the revolutionaries, the norm breakers, the inventors, the pioneers, the businessmen, and the missionaries who played a role in God’s story. Class time will include discussion, group activities, role playing, and storytelling.
HOMEWORK: 2-3 hours per week, which includes about 20-30 pages of reading. However, this course is also available for enrichment only at parents’ request. With enrichment only courses, no homework is required and no grade is given/suggested.