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Discovery Lab

Teacher: Naomi Stahnke
Prerequisites: None
Ages: 5-6
Class Size: 5-10
Materials Fee: $15 (includes all supplies for projects and activities throughout the year)
Tuition: $30.00

Supplies Needed: None
Homework: None

COURSE DETAILS: In Discovery Lab, students will explore a new challenge each week
to help them practice hands-on problem solving, critical thinking, and collaboration, all
while coinciding with the alphabet letter of the week! Each activity will give students a
chance to use their curiosity and creativity to practice engineering and math skills.
Lessons will include:

- A is for Arches: Can you design and build an arch that is tall and wide enough for
various objects to stand beneath?
- B is for Bridge: How long can you build a bridge while making it strong and stable?
- C is for Cups: How tall of a tower can you build with plastic cups?

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