homeschool enrichment program
faithfully serving homeschool families since 1998
Intro to Chemistry
Teacher: Jessica Bobbs
Prerequisites: None
Ages: 9 – 12
Class size: 8 – 15
Materials fee: $40.00 (one-time fee: covers copies and experiment supplies)
Tuition: $35
Supplies Needed: Pens/pencils, coloring utensils, apron/old shirt kept in their backpack
to use as needed (optional, but we might get messy), occasionally students might be
asked to bring various trash/recyclable items from home. Parents may be asked to
volunteer in the classroom from time to time.
COURSE DETAILS: It is going to be a very fun, active, and exciting year in my science
class! We will be learning all about basic chemistry! Not to worry though, there will be no
toxic chemicals, and we will be taking all safety precautions by using goggles and
gloves where necessary. Your students will become experts on the Scientific Method
while performing various experiments using Alka-Selzer, making Floam, Elephant
Toothpaste, Bouncing Polymer Balls, the famous Mentos Fountain, and Black Snakes,
like the kind you might find on 4 th of July, and so much more! When doing these
experiments, we will be discussing the how’s and why’s of what’s happening in each
experiment, and recording our observations.
HOMEWORK: Homework may be given, but only in the event it wasn’t finished during
class time.