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Scratch Programming

Teacher: Jessica Bobbs
Prerequisites: None (computer knowledge helpful)
Ages: 9 - 12
Class size: 8 - 15
Materials fee: $20 (one-time fee: helps cover copies of class handouts)
Tuition: $35
Supplies Needed: Pens/pencils and laptop or tablet (not smart phones) that has access
to internet

COURSE DETAILS: This is going to be a fun learning experience for everyone! Your
students are going to learn what programming is and just how many everyday items use
some type of programming. We will be using Scratch 2 on the laptops - this uses simple
drag and drop commands. However, don’t let the simplicity of the program fool you, your
students will need to be VERY specific with their commands if they want their character
to do what they want. They will learn the basics of programming, plus learn how to
make games, music videos, and other exciting programs!

HOMEWORK: Homework may be given, but only in the event it wasn’t finished during
class time.

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