homeschool enrichment program
faithfully serving homeschool families since 1998
Story of the World – Year 1 of 4
Teacher: Tirzah Warwick
Prerequisites: None
Ages: 7-9
Class size: 6 - 12
Materials fee: $45 (timeline book (teacher will purchase), timeline
materials, photocopies)
Tuition: $30
Supplies Needed: Coloring pencils, glue, binder to store weekly handouts
COURSE DETAILS: This will be Year 1 in the 4-volume narrative history series for
elementary students covering the sweep of human history from ancient times until the
present. Africa, China, Europe, the Americas―find out what happened all around the
world in long-ago times. This first volume begins with the earliest nomads and ends with
the last Roman emperor. This will be a read-aloud class, where the teacher will read
through a chapter or two each week and the children will work on a gentle timeline that
they can either color in or write in themselves depending on their level of comfort in